A Post to Thank You All

Every new person that enters to our lives, changes us. Adds us, teaches us something. They make us see the world from a new perspective.

Though i learn a lot from everyone, all those international people i met so far touched my life more then anyone. Do not know how, do not know why but my path always crosses with all these people from across the universe. And i believe that they are the gifts that are send to me by God.(Guess this is the part that i show my Muslim self lol)

Doesn’t matter if we spend 6 months, a year, 2 weeks or a day together… Those people i meet mostly during my travels they all manage to earn a special place in my heart. Maybe it is because on the contrary to ordinary people we are the ones who are aware of the beauty of travelling, exploring, wandering. And that always puts us one step ahead of other people. We are the ones that never belong to one single country. We are the ones always ready to leave everything behind and go, we are the ones just live for the adventures that we are going to experience, we are the ones who call the world home..

I have a lot friends, i have friends that i call family in my home country. But i can not stop myself from thinking how great time i spend with other people that i met with at the other side of the country! Like when i sit and think about the best moments i had so far i always see those international faces. Or when i go to somewhere in İstanbul i just think how fun it would be if i had for ex Gosia with me.

Always thought how different i am from the people around me , how different tastes i have. Then at one point i come across with someone for ex like İnes that is the exact same reflection of me just in a different body that talks in another language and lives in another country. Then it is always the hardest moments to say goodbye. It never feels like leaving a friend behind. It feels like leaving, getting away from yourself

Now i have this feeling that the world is full of people that i should meet with and every single day that i spend without meeting with them is like wasting another day from my lifespan. And for that reason already started planing my new adventures all around the world

So this was my thank you post for you guys. Thank you all for entering my life at one point and releasing your light upon me. Do not know if we will ever be lucky enough to come across again but know that i feel like the luckiest person that exists for having a chance to enjoy the life fully together.


One day I was sitting in my room in Istanbul and one week later i found myself in the most interesting place on earth, Peru. Me, as a person whoose favorite activity is to travel around the world i can easily say that I have never seen somewhere like Peru in my life. I feel like as if I am in another world. I can honestly say that I hate this country but at the same time i am in love with it too! I think that s what makes this experience great.

Why did i leave everything and came here when I just had 3 months to graduate? Well, I did not have just one motivation to come here. I had many. But basically I wanted to live an adventure to tell my grandsons in the future. And this was a great reason to leave everything abruptly and start the adventure of my life. Though I had many problems (believe me MANY problems) I can say that I have no regrets. This was definately what i needed to do. I can already feel the difference and i know that I will return back to my home as a different person.

About my first moment in here:

5 people from AIESEC (which is my organisation)  came to the airport to welcome me. They had these signs that says BIENVENIDO with my name and Turkish flag at their  hands. They even gave me a a bag full of traditional things as a present. My first impression was that these people just kiss from one cheek. But then i realised they really really like kissing each other. 

The other thing that I immediately realised was the smell of the air. I ve been through this kind of thing when i went to Thailand years ago. It was because of the coconut oil that they were using in every single thing. I just hope to get used to it as soon as possible! 

We took a taxi to our hotel. In here something called ‘taximeter’ does not exist so you have to negociate with the driver before you get on. Which is such a difficult thing to do when you dont have any idea about Spanish and this makes you an easy target of being overchargied as a tourist. On our way from the airport to our hotel we passed through the ugliest hauses ever. I was so dissapointed. My ‘Peru is in South America but it s more developed then the other ones’ thesis were perished. So i just decided to sleep hoping that when I wake up tomorrow everyting to turn up to be more beautiful. Well, it did not…