My Biggest Passion is Back… Dancing!

Since i came to Peru something was missing. I was feeling the emptyness of something but couldnt name it-I can not believe how it took me soo long to figure out what it was.

Dancing.. My biggest passion which makes me who i am. Maybe the most important part of me & my life. I ve given myself to my trainings for years ! Some days i spent my whole day just practicing dance for my performances. Most of the time i was not able to make plans with my friends just bec i had to go to my dance classes.. But since i have came here i did not have any dance classes which meant

no muscle pain

no crying because of extreme training

no hours of torture

no stage, no costumes, no stage make up

no biggest source of happyness

Yes, dancing was hard. You had to be patient and strong. You had to spare time for it- But that was something i had to venture in order to be good at it. and i knew that it always worths at the end to all that painful moments. That one moment at stage means everything! Or being able to accomplish one dance move after trying but failing dozens time. That moment of pride and happyness.

Dancing was my shelter, the safe harbor that i had. it was my favorite way of explaining myself, best way to get rid of stress and problems, best way to forget everything. Forgetting your problems, forgetting where you are, who you are and just losing yourself with the music.

And Today i started my new dance classes. Afroperuano ! So different from every dance i ve ever tried so far ! It is the dance of the rhythm(as the music is made with Indian and Spanish instruments), dance of the black slaves in Peru. Such a strong dance that you can feel the strength that grows inside of you. Though i just had one class so far i can easily say that i was able to fill that emptyness in me with this new type of dance that entered my life.

I have finally became me again!
